Laravel 5.6 Setup posted 6 years ago
Step by step guide to Laravel 5.6 Installation. No long description, just a necessary script to get Laravel 5.6 started.
I get Token Mismatch Exception in Verify Csrf Token at line 53 when submitting the form on Laravel 5, Laravel 5.1, Laravel 5.2, Laravel 5.3, Laravel 5.4 or Laravel 5.5.
When running Gulp on laravel root it throws : Gulp-autoprefixer throwing ReferenceError: Promise is not defined. To Fix add require('es6-promise').polyfill(); on top of your gulp.js and run npm install es6-promise
If Laravel is not automatically logging you out, I bet it is because the expire_on_close is set to true. Change it to false and It will work.
Extending the validation class to create a custom validation. 1) Create Custom Validation class that extends Validator class. 2) Boot this custom validation class on your service provider and 3) finally you can use it on your request class.
Laravel 5.3 Cheat Sheet posted 7 years ago
New Laravel 5.3 Cheat Sheet which include: Artisan Commands
So you want to level up with Laravel? The first step is to install Laravel on our machine. We'll do that installing Composer, pulling in Laravel's helpful installer utility, and then running larave
API could be consumed in many ways in Laravel. For e.g. you can create your own custom API Package to consume API on the remote application. Or there is a better way. This is by using the Guzzle HTTP Client.
Problem: I got bindShared application error after updating from laravel 5.1 to 5.2. SOLUTION: Remove the outdated package illuminate/htm:^5.0 and remove its service provider too. Then replace with "laravelcollective/html": "5.2.*"
To Fix 1. var ElixirGroup = require('laravel-elixir-group'); 2. Add laravel-elixir-group into the package.json 3. Run npm install.
To fix this error in Laravel 5, execute php artisan key:generate command. Then, copy the generated application key and add it into the .env file APP_KEY=xlhF31NeOlibJcoOW9tvZg7TkHcAZI3a.
First method is to Create Test Database > Specify Test Database Connection in Config > Modify phpunit.xml. Second is to create .env.testing and load this environment on TestCase->createApplication()
To copy or duplicate table row without overwriting a existing one, use eloquent replicate() method. This will create a copy of the existing row with a new id.
Consuming my own Laravel API: I have Laravel API made available for external application. But how do I consume this API from my own Laravel Application?
Solution to Problem : Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany::formatSyncList() must be of the type array, null given, called in ...
If Laravel 5 Event is not firing, you can run php artisan optimize, composer dump autoload and php artisan clear-compiled command.
Solution to get rid of Whoops, looks like something went wrong in Laravel 5 and Laravel 5.1.
Easy, Quick, Concise Laravel 5.1, Laravel 5 and Laravel 4 Cheat Sheet - PHP Artisan, Composer, Routing, Database Schema, Database Indexes, Database Foreign Keys, Database Column Types, Eloquent, Views, SSH, Unit Test and more ...
Solution to get rid of blank page while accessing Laravel Page.
Laravel 123 posted 9 years ago
Laravel Installation Quick Tutorial
Laravel Ajax Route Controller Relationship.
Solution to fix failed to open stream: Permission denied error on Laravel